Saturday, September 11, 2010

Intro to academic english wed.5-6 TAE EUN KWON

Writing about something great


     Movie is one of the greatest things in the world. Everything that people imagine can become a reality and it enables other people to see those things that they couldn't imagine. It makes nonrealistic things to seem real like toys talking, robots coexisting with humans, high technology machines that don't exist at this point appearing and so on. The movie "Inception" for example, is a hard movie to understand. However the idea is really fascinating that human dream has 3 layers and it can be controlled by other people besides the dreamer. I knew we could dream in a dream but influencing another people by going into a dream is something I never imagined about! Also films are like a packet full of all kinds of cutting edge technologies.

     Film makers use chromakey to edit two or more images together, computer graphics to make fictitious characters real, 3D technology to help us feel the images moving right in front of our eyes vividly ect. Have you ever seen a street rolling up to the sky and everything moving the same way as it does in normal street without falling? In the movies it is possible thanks to the developed technologies. Even more unbelievable things can happen in it and it really amuses me.







  1. You chose an interesting topic. I like watching movies, too. So I enjoyed reading your writting. However, I am afriad you used a lot of contracted words such as couldn't don't. I think it is somewhat informal. It will be great if you avoid using these words.Thank you. ^^

  2. [Han soo jung]
    I saw Inception too. And I love movies too! I think your writings are great :) It might be my bad but I had some problems with understanding some words ^^; It's just a paragraph so maybe next time you can use some more easy words. I think its nice!!!

  3. [Nae Ri,Lee]
    My hobby is watching movies! Inception is very interesting movie. I like the open ending of the movie. I think you know much about movie !


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